
Corporate news

Our city has added a Chinese famous trademark

2023-10-11  From: Zhejiang Ruixing Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. Browsing times:414

Reporter (correspondent Shao Xuan reporter Xue Linhe) Reporter learned yesterday from the city Bureau of Industry and Commerce, in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce announced this year's first batch of well-known trademark recognition list, "RUIXING and graph" on the list. It is reported that this is another achievement in the field of high-end brand building after the city's administrative recognition of well-known trademarks in 2009 to achieve zero breakthrough. Up to now, our city has 6 administrative recognized well-known trademarks.

The newly added well-known trademark "RUIXING and graph" belongs to the 7th class of commodities, used by Zhejiang Ruixing Carburetor Co., LTD., the scope of approved use is carburetor and so on. The company mainly produces general gasoline engines, automobile and motorcycle carburetors, etc., and has won many honorary titles such as "Provincial Famous Trademark", "Provincial Well-known Trade name", "Provincial Famous Brand Products" and so on.

It is understood that in recent years, our city attaches great importance to the cultivation of trademark brands, the launch of the "brand strong city", "brand strong town" strategic goals, have carried out the Ruian ten leading agricultural products brands, ten farm music, ten car sales service integrity demonstration business selection activities, launched agricultural, service trademark free registration activities. The municipal government also gives incentives ranging from 1 million yuan to 10,000 yuan to enterprises that have won well-known trademarks, provincial famous trademarks, Wenzhou famous trademarks and Ruian famous brand trademarks to further encourage enterprises to strengthen brand building. In addition to the administrative recognition of well-known trademarks, our city has 36 provincial famous trademarks, 60 Wenzhou well-known trademarks, 194 Ruian famous brand trademarks, and more than 22,000 registered trademarks.

Keywords: Our city has added a Chinese famous trademark           




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